Computational Mechanisms of Psychopathology Lab

The Computational Mechanisms of Psychopathology (COMP) Lab is located in the Psychology Department at Emory University. We use neurocomputational approaches to study how learning and decision-making differ with psychopathology and treatment in anxiety, trauma, and depression.
Lab vision and values
The purpose of the COMP Lab is to make consequential advances in treating and understanding psychopathology to reduce suffering from mental illness. These advances are made by using generative computational models of behavioral and neural function to understand mechanistic, treatment-relevant processes.
We strive to make the lab an educational, fun, and healthy environment to do impactful, rigorous science. We value the well-being and growth of lab members, conducting research that is important to us and society, and doing work that has a meaningful impact on our knowledge of psychopathology. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment against any individual or group, including but not limited to race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, genetic information, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or veteran’s status. We are actively committed to broadening participation and increasing diversity in science.