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Links and visualization

I’ve added a page with a few links to some useful information, put together for and by our group when we were in “study phase”.

Our latest activity has been focused on

1.  Loading the last bits of converted and hand-made RDF (slowed by lack of a “batchloader” in Sesame’s OpenRDF Workbench and no time to write/test a script to do it!).  We’ve now got LC vocabulary links for finding aids and regimental histories, thanks to Bernardo Gomez.

2.  Visualization.  Here we’ve hit some roadblocks.  The main one is, we  haven’t figured out how to link either apps like Drupal7, or external browsers like LinkSailor, up with Sesame.  We have tried using both Pubby and Djubby to temporarily “publish” our data on the web, but can’t figure out the hitch.   Tim Bryson has been coming up with interesting other things to try.  We were able to just plug some of our RDF into the Simile app, Welkin…  not sure how useful this might be to us yet, but it looks kind of cool:

wekin snapshot of our data


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