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At the endpoint of our first pilot, we have mostly learning and behind-the-scenes work to report (no working apps on the web… yet…).  But we thought it interesting enough to give an Infoforum presentation at Emory (these are presentations by staff about ongoing projects and interesting topics) .   Link to the Google presentation:  http://goo.gl/Iv3a8

Also I (Laura) was part of a panel at COMO 2012 with Robin Fay from University of Georgia and Doug Goans from Georgia Tech.  I enjoyed hearing Robin’s introductory take on what linked data is and its potential for libraries.  Doug’s part was also interesting; he outlined the factors Ga. Tech is considering in planning for future linked data integration into their IT services.  My part was mostly “what we’re doing and learning as we get our feet wet.”


More about that behind-the-scenes to come, as well as our formal report.

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