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Pilot project report

The Connections pilot project team has now posted a summary of its report to sponsors. We have a number of observations and recommendations for future linked data activity for the Emory Libraries, based on our experience. If you have thoughts and ideas about what we’ve been up to and what directions would be good to focus on in the future, please leave a comment! The Connections linked data interest group in the libraries will get together in early January to gather more input about where we go next.

The power of inference

John Wang and I recently gave a presentation about the Connections group and the Civil War Pilot, at the CNI Fall Meeting. We had a number of questions and comments from the audience at the end. We had mentioned our struggles to identify best tools to use and to actually use those open source tools. Several IT people in the audience had suggestions for what to use, but among then was, that if we didn’t need to get deeply into ontologies and inference, back end systems specifically designed as triplestores might be unnecessary, and maybe we could accomplish our […]


At the endpoint of our first pilot, we have mostly learning and behind-the-scenes work to report (no working apps on the web… yet…). But we thought it interesting enough to give an Infoforum presentation at Emory (these are presentations by staff about ongoing projects and interesting topics) . Link to the Google presentation: http://goo.gl/Iv3a8

Also I (Laura) was part of a panel at COMO 2012 with Robin Fay from University of Georgia and Doug Goans from Georgia Tech. I enjoyed hearing Robin’s introductory take on what linked data is and its potential for libraries. Doug’s part […]

Making triples

One of the goals of the Civil War pilot is to “create some metadata as linked data”. This has been challenging, because we weren’t able to find (or make) a “linked data making tool” that would be really helpful. (We investigated Protege, but it seemed more designed to manage ontologies than to help you create “instances” using those ontologies.) This seems consistent with the difficulty of finding good general-purpose metadata creation tools that anyone could use, for creating metadata using, e.g., XML schemas, outside of a particular suite of (usually proprietary) software.

As it became apparent we weren’t going to […]

What we’re about and where we are

Now you can check out the project description for our Civil War Pilot project #1 to give you some idea of what we’ve been up to.

We’re sort of starting in the middle with this blog (well, close to the end, actually, at least for the first “pilot”), but I hope to give you some background of our experience and the flavor of the project.

This one is an interesting stew… a first try at transforming, creating, modeling, storing, querying and displaying linked data using open source tools. We had a […]