I am very excited about this online course; it has increased my curiosity and enthusiasm for the teaching of statistics online. Although I am now looking forward to going further with this, I must confess that at the beginning when I saw 20-page syllabus, the amount of reading, and various technologies and tools which I had never seen before, I felt overwhelmed. At the beginning it was a bit intimidating.
During these two weeks of online course learning, I read and digested our syllabus. I realized this syllabus was extremely complete and detailed. It included a course overview and outcomes, communication methods and expectations, and detailed weekly modules. Each module was tailored to acclimate us to how to teach online, how to engage students in the class and motivate students to communicate with peers, how to design team activities, and how to write online course syllabi and design courses. All of this will be very useful for us in the near future, and I think this syllabus itself is a great exemplar of an online course syllabus.
Additionally, this course exposed me to many new technologies. Among these new technologies are voicethread, online adobe connect live, diigo, and scholarblog, and I am still getting familiar with them and learning how to use them proficiently and effectively. At the same time, I am also thinking about how to apply them to my statistical online courses. What else do I need for an online course in statistics? I am still on my quest to discover the tools and master them…..
Zhiyun, same here. I am now startung to envision the possible uses of the various technologies we’re learning to run (VoiceThread for reaction about weekly films, Scholarblogs for deferred discussion like this, Adobe Connect for virtually present meetings/class discussions, and diigo for secondary evidence postings), bit the sheer amount of materials – starting, yes, with the very helpful syllabus, is translating into awsome waves of learning.
Zhiyun, everyone who will read this, my sincerest apologies for the typos in my previous comment: starting, not startung; but, not bit. Sorry.