Discussion Topics

Module 2

Optional (encouraged) – Feel free to respond to any of these question prompts: How are you feeling about EFOT in general?  How was using VoiceThread to begin to connect with one another? What are you thinking about as far as your own class? What are your thoughts about using VoiceThread in your classes?  In what ways would you use it? Why might it not work for your class? Touch on anything else that is on your mind.

Required prompt:

After reading and researching about Managing your Online Course, take a moment (or two) to reflect and describe what motivates you to want to teach in the online classroom. In what ways do you believe you will be effective and impact student learning in this medium of teaching? Next, write down one of the biggest concerns or challenges you think you will face when teaching online. Describe how you will address the concerns or challenges.


Module 4

Select one of the following prompts:

1. Assessment Strategies: As you develop (or enhance) your online/hybrid course, think of the variety of assessment techniques covered in this module. Recall that assessment ought to be developed in relationship to course concepts, problem solving, and critical thinking while fundamentally creating a learning-centered environment. With this in mind, formulate your approach and outline your assessment strategies in your online/hybrid course. Which of these assessment areas would you consider your current strengths? Where do you see opportunities for growth/improvement?

2. Learning-Centered Assessment: After reading the provided resources on self-evaluated and self-directed heutagogical learning, describe your initial thoughts about designing an entire online/blended course or even just an assignment around these ideas/methods. Will you (or have you) consider these approaches? Why or why not? If so, briefly outline your idea(s). The resources that were provided to you were just a start. Feel free to research more to gain additional traction on these types of assessment.


Module 7

For this week’s Communication Exemplar, complete the following activity and answer the questions in your post:

  • Have you heard about Open Educational Resources (OERs) before this module? In what context?
  • Perform research looking for OERs in your field. Choose from the main list of OER databases provided in the Read + Resources area.
  • What were you able to find any OERs that could be of value to your teaching?
  • What value do you see in OERs in educational settings?
  • How have you worked under the constraints of copyright when delivering content in your classes?
  • What additional questions about OERs and copyright do you have, in general?

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