Full Title: Health Impacts and Struggles to Overcome the Racial Discrimination of Yesterday
Funder: National Institute of Health (NIH)
This study will pursue three specific aims:
- To examine the impacts of census-tract level measures of structural racism and discrimination on housing instability, service access and meth use
- To elicit narratives of meth use, housing instability, service access and structural racism and discrimination
- To examine systems of structural influence and develop qualitative causal maps linking various forms of SRD, service access, housing and meth use
We are recruiting 300 Black (cis/trans) men or gender non-conforming persons who have sex with men​ that currently live in Atlanta. The HIStory study is a longitudinal cohort study; we will conduct serial surveys every 6 months over a two-year follow-up period. We will also conduct a longitudinal qualitative study using in-depth interviews with a subset of our participants, to gather insights on their experiences with structural racism and discrimination, housing, service access and meth use.
We hope that our findings from the HIStory study will be used to inform effective structural strategies for preventing meth use and ameliorating meth-related harms among Black (cis/trans) men or gender non-conforming persons who have sex with men in Atlanta.
Take our screener here: https://redcap.emory.edu/surveys/index.php?s=CNXX9CDTMN893C7P