
This website serves as a supplement to the 2019 exhibit, “Do I dare disturb the universe?” The Environment and The Humanities, organized to highlight the diverse, environmentally-focused humanities materials at Emory Libraries and beyond. We encourage you to explore the exhibit in the alcove of Woodruff Library’s main entrance on its second floor as well as this website. This site includes additional materials not present in the exhibit as well as links to some of the digital and other resources discussed in the exhibit.

The environmental humanities break down conceptual barriers between academic disciplines to study the interplay between humankind and the natural world. Blending scientific knowledge with humanistic inquiry, we come to comprehend the millennia of human impact on the Earth and its attendant effects on humanity. This interdisciplinary understanding can power us to create sustainable, empathetic, and equitable responses to present-day environmental challenges.

Exhibit title from T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (1915)