1. Dan Pierce

    I found some of the specifics of this article really useful. In particular, I enjoyed the emphasis on the student not only being the center of learning, but the center of evaluation as well. While I have included aspects of evaluations (rubrics, examples, etc.) in my teaching, the step-by-step guide in this article would facilitate the use of this technique.
    For my teaching, this method would be particularly useful for developing the presentations of the students’ molecule-of-choice towards the end of the year. We would discuss the criteria of an effective presentation and develop a rubric. It would be worth it to do a “mock” presentation on sample molecules that don’t get graded but get critiqued so we can correct problems before they arise. This will work, I think, but now I’m considering helping the students earlier in learning to self-evaluate with feedback and goal-creation. I’m not sure how often I should use this technique, but I’m confident that it would be effective for student achievement.

    1. Kristi

      Dan, I like your “mock” presentation idea. I also liked the author’s suggestion to provide samples for the student’s to discuss and grade based upon the class rubric. These strategies should help solidify self-evaluation accuracy.

      1. Elizabeth Walker

        I like the “mock” presentation idea too!

        For written work, it would be nice to use student work from previous classes. While that wouldn’t be possible the first time teaching a class or doing a particular project, I think it would be more useful – and authentic – for students to see their peers’ work than an example made up by the instructor.

  2. Michelle K. Gaines

    I had had several thoughts, while reading this article.

    1. I think that the Theoretical Model Behind Self Evaluation is a also good model for managers and PI’s to follow, when guiding their research group. Building the self confidence of graduate students (during the first and second years) would be ideal for laying a good foundation for being a productive researcher. It seems like this could be achieved by setting smaller attainable objectives in the beginning but follow up with the negotiation piece after a little time, to allow the new student to digest the new information. It’s possible that many of your PI’s followed this model. Things went a little differently for me.

    2. Can we discuss some more examples of how to involve students in “defining their assessment criteria”? The example of the students writing the introduction to the horror story was very helpful. Now I understand that when I developed the rubric for assessing the PChem Review projects that I skipped Stage 1. I remember being disappointed that the students had copied exactly what I had done in my example (down to using the same language). After reading this article, I believe I would have achieved a more satisfying outcome, had I followed these steps, for both me and the students. I would trust that my students were better equipped to review a journal article.

    3. Since this model has so many stages to it, it seems as though students are less likely to take advantage of the system because there is so much criteria in place. (Agreeing with FAQ B.)

    4. I can see “time” being a huge challenge. At Spelman, I had to assign and administer the class project entirely outside of class time. Since I wasn’t in front of the students, I would have needed to be more creative with following the stages by using other types of technologies.

    Great Article!

    1. Kristi

      I share Michelle’s concerns regarding time posing a challenge when implementing this method. Student self-evaluations require a constant discussion, reiteration, and revision of criteria, rubrics, and feedback. Finding the time for this during the class period may prove extremely difficult.

    2. Elizabeth Walker

      In regards to your second point, I had students help create a rubric to evaluate their mini-lessons they taught in class (this was for Curriculum and Instruction). They brainstormed the important criteria under main categories that I came up with (e.g., objectives, organization, content, materials, etc.). Then we (the students and I) compiled their ideas and agreed on a few main point per categories.

      I think the students enjoyed being able to contribute to their rubric. They used it to do peer and self-evaluations. If I did it again, I might more explicitly follow some of the other points, such as giving feedback on their self-evaluations.

  3. Kristi

    Student self-evaluation will improve participation and performance, and will also reduce point-grubbing and grade disputes. I plan to implement self-evaluation for student research papers and presentations.

  4. JaNelle Ricks

    In the past I have used a variation of self-evaluation for community health assessments with great success. I would love to attempt the technique in the classroom. I do share others’ concerns re: time necessary for implementation. The authors suggest starting small with bite-size self-evalution opportunities which may make integration more manageable. I can see myself using self-evaluation for scientific writing projects.

    1. Elizabeth Walker

      I agree that this would be great for scientific writing! I could see myself using this, or at least some of the pieces, for the stats class this fall.

  5. Artfol

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