November 14 & 15 : guest speakers, course materials, and short assignment

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Guest speaker: Emma Krass, field-volunteer for Beltline for All movement under the rubric of the Housing Justice League Atlanta.

Reading materials:

Please look through the following report published by the Housing Justice League:


Please study the websites of Housing Justice League and Beltline Inc.

Our guest as asked that we review the following news articles:


Short Assignment: field project proposal outline

For this coming week, please refine your field-project outlines and post them under your name tab under “Current Projects” on the home-page of our website. You can post these as comments to the first post that I had already put up. 

If possible, please do also re-post your earlier project outline (submitted earlier this semester) so that we may be able to track the changes in your plans across the semester. These project outlines are password protected (gcop2018), but will be accessible across our two seminar sections.

In your project outline, please be sure to include details that cover whowhatwhere, and how of your project plans. Who will the project involve (please include how you are well positioned to carry out this project)? What is the nature of the project, what are the research questions, and objectives? Where will be it carried out (context)? And how do you envision carrying out your project (methods, foreseen obstacles)?

We expect that these project plans will change over time and as each of you work with your respective interlocutors.

Thursday, November 15, 2018
No guest speakers for this week.

Class will not meet as usual. Please use the time between now and November 15 to refine your project ideas that we have already talked to each of you about. Please submit your project proposals following the outlines below:

Short Assignment: field project proposal outline

For this coming week, please refine your field-project outlines and post them under your name tab under “Current Projects” on the home-page of our website. You can post these as comments to the first post that I had already put up.

These project outlines are password protected (gcop2018), but will be accessible across our two seminar sections.

In your project outline, please be sure to include details that cover whowhatwhere, and how of your project plans. Who will the project involve (please include how you are well positioned to carry out this project)? What is the nature of the project, what are the research questions, and objectives? Where will be it carried out (context)? And how do you envision carrying out your project (methods, foreseen obstacles)?

We expect that these project plans will change over time and as each of you work with your respective interlocutors to identify project priorities and plans.