Discussion 11
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Discussion 11

From our daily life, we can feel that Baroque art still influences contemporary art and design as a source of inspiration to create dramatic and emotional work. Baroque art is characterized by its emotional intensity, decorative aspect, and theatrical exaggeration. Baroque art today influences areas like architecture, paintings, sculptures, and fashion designs that incorporate elaborate ornamentation, exaggerated gestures, and a sense of movement and theatricality. For example, architecture-wise, buildings such as churches, hotels, museums, and government buildings often feature Baroque-style ornamentation, such as intricate stonework and lavish decorations.

According to Helen Hills, the Baroque breaks the linearity of history by challenging the idea of a fixed and rational order,  embracing the chaotic and unpredictable nature of existence. As an idea, the Baroque represents a philosophical and aesthetic attitude that values complexity rather than simplicity of modern art. This attitude is passed to some contemporary art and design that celebrates the diversity of human experience and challenges traditional norms and conventions. Therefore, the Baroque is still a significant inspiration for contemporary art and design, and its philosophical and aesthetic values remain relevant today. Whether it’s in the ornate forms of architecture, the dramatic gestures of performance art, or the celebration of complexity and paradox in contemporary philosophy, the Baroque continues to shape our cultural imagination.

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