Research interests in the Goldberg laboratory include studies of the microbiome of CF, changes in the metabolic profile of respiratory pathogens associated with acute exacerbations in CF, and determining why respiratory infections are more severe and frequent in individuals with CF-related diabetes. Our research focuses on the strategies used by bacteria to cause diseases in humans, in particular, respiratory infections in patients with CF. The laboratory investigates the synthesis and regulation of surface polysaccharides and other potential adhesions and virulence factors from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, both of which are key pathogens in CF. We also examine and dissect essential metabolic pathways in these bacteria as the targets for the development of novel therapeutics to combat these naturally antibiotic-resistant opportunistic pathogens. The general approach is to perform bioinformatic and genomic analysis of these bacteria and to construct and characterize specific bacterial mutants. These constructed mutants are then monitored for relevant phenotypic and genotypic characteristics and changes in the virulence and physiology using in in vivo and in vitro models of infection. These factors are also assessed for their potential as novel vaccine candidates. The long-term goal of this work is to devise rational methods to disrupt virulence and promote clearance of infecting bacteria.
Greetings from the Goldberg Lab!