The Goldberg lab attended an Atlanta Braves game, an annual tradition.
Dr. Joanna Goldberg, Dr. Dina Moustafa, and Ph.D. Candidate Ashley Cross attended the 13th Biennial International Conference on Pseudomonas in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where Dr.…
Our senior undergraduate research assistant successfully defended her Honors Thesis titled “Evaluation of Anti-Elongation Factor-Tu (EF-Tu) Antibodies as a Potential Immunotherapeutic Approach to Combat Pseudomonas…
PhD Candidate Ashley Cross received the Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (MMG) Program Scholar of the Year award at the 8th Annual GDBBS Awards Banquet at the…
Left to right: Omar Hamway, Ashley Cross, Dina Moustafa, Eryn Bernardy (at back), Joanna Goldberg (at front), Ashley Alexander, Samantha Prezioso, and Kathryn Wendorf.
The Goldberg lab attended the 104th Annual ASM Southeastern Branch Meeting on Microbial Dynamics and Infection at Georgia Tech in November of 2018. This conference featured…
The Goldberg lab is excited to have another Doctor in the family! We celebrated the thesis defense and graduation of Samantha Prezioso from the Microbiology…
Joanna Goldberg, Dina Moustafa, and Ashley Cross attended the 2018 North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference in Denver, Colorado. NACFC is the leading conference in North…