A project of Dr. Sarah Higinbotham's Oxford students
Literature Mixtapes
“Adam’s love and Romance: Adam’s playlist” (Amari Morton)

“Adam’s love and Romance: Adam’s playlist” (Amari Morton)

1. I feel like this song perfectly represents Adam’s attitude towards Eve throughout the beginning of the story. The song is essentially a guy begging a girl to let him “love [her] and give [her] everything [she] wants and needs” which I feel perfectly resonates with Adams attitude towards Eve. I feel like the repetition of “let me love you” throughout the song and especially at the end reflects how Adams only real goal in the story seems to be to keep Eve in his life and give his affection. Where I think that this song departs from Adam and his motives/ideals is that in the song there is an emphasis on the singer, Mario, wanting to treat this girl right. In my opinion I feel like Adam really is not concerned with how he treats Eve as much as he is with the fact that they are always together and close. 

2. Like the last song, this song reflects Adam’s relationship with Eve. This song is about the singer wanting to be all that makes a girl happy. He goes on to say “why are we taking time… when I could be your peace”. This reminds me of in the story when Adam is essentially wanting to rest and take a break from working in the garden so that he may love eve. The parallel between the two is “why take time doing this (work) when we could do this (love)”. There’s also a part of the song that goes “I’m going out of my way…” witch reminds me of how Adam was implying that Eve needs to be with him because he gave up a rib to be with her. Adam’s need to be all that Eve wants is paralleled in this song.

3. I feel like Adam’s love or what boarders on an infatuation with eve is perfectly described in this song’s hook. This song is about how the singer, Musiq, will always love the girl he is singing to. Him saying “the way I feel for you will always be the same” reminds me of how it seems like Eve could do anything and Adam will still always want to be with her. From the instant that Eve is first created it seems like Adam has loved her and always will love her no matter what. This unrelenting want for Eve comes of desperate at many points in the story.

4. The desperation that Adam has for Eve is perfectly paralleled in the very first line of this song. The song starts of by saying “I wanna be with you, gotta be with you, need to be with you”. Like the name implies the song goes on to say “I can’t be without you”. I feel like these repeated lines throughout the song parallel how overdramatic Adam seemed (to me at least) in the way that he had to always be with Eve. I feel like the song implies that Mary J. Blige feel like if she cant be with whoever shes singing to she’ll just die which I imagine is how Adam feels about Eve. 

5. I feel like this song parallels how Adam completely idolizes Eve. In this song, Jacquees idolizes whoever he is singing to similar to how people idolize their favorite singer. He says “Can I be your groupie… you be my superstar”. This parallels just how high up on a pedestal that Adam holds eve and how he will do any thing for her (similar to other lines in the song). At many points in the story it feels like without Eve, Adam has no purpose. 

6. This song points out just how much Eve is Adam’s only purpose in life. The song is about how all Musiq wants to “do is spend the night with you (the person he is singing to)”. Musiq goes on to imply that he is the only thing that the person he is singing to will ever need. This is similar to what I believe that Adam wants to be for eve. It feels like Adam wants Eve to want and need him as much as he does her. When Eve is having a bad dream and Adam says “Best image of myself and dearer half, The trouble of thy thoughts this night in sleep Affects me equally” it feel like he’s trying to console her and help her sleep which is pretty much exactly what the hook of the song is saying.

7. I feel like this song would end up in Adam’s playlist if he could make one kind of ironically. The song is about Musiq not wanting to pressure the girl he’s talking to into anything and how he’s cool with whatever decision she makes. I feel like Adam would see the song as just another love song and add it to his playlist while not realizing that it is completely the opposite of the way he acts. When Musiq says “I’m not trying to pressure you” it completely opposes what I feel like Adam does to eve throughout the story. The only choice Adam would be okay with is if she chose to be with him. 

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