Welcome to the Emory University “History of Skiing and Snowsports” website

Snowbird Resort, Utah (Photo: Judith A. Miller)

The projects presented here are by students in Professor Judith A. Miller’s courses on the history of these sports. The course was taught for the first time in the spring semester of 2021.  There are plans to continue to teach it every spring semester and to build this website each year.

We are very grateful for the generous and patient help of the colleagues at the Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS) and especially the support of Mr. Chase Lovellette. The Center hosts this website and has provided valuable expertise throughout the semester. The students’ research projects were deepened by their work with the Emory Woodruff Library Subject Librarians, and most especially with Ms. Chella Vaidyanathan, the European/World History and Philosophy Librarian.

Contact:  Prof. Judith A. Miller, The Department of History, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322

Email: histjam [at] emory [dot] edu
