Tampopo: The world’s first “ramen western” (extra credit)

If you’re interested in watching another creative take on a traditional Western, I cannot recommend the Japanese comedy Tampopo (1985) enough. The film, directed by Juzo Itami, mimics the traditional format of a Western, but instead of the Wild West, it’s set in a failing ramen shop in Japan. Tampopo, the widowed owner of the restaurant, begs truck driver Goro for advice to improve her ramen and to train her in the “art of noodle soup making.” The movie was originally marketed as a “ramen western” when it was released, and it pokes fun of certain tropes commonly found in the genre. For example, Goro is intended to emulate the typical Western lone ranger protagonist, costumed in cowboy hats, flannel shirts, and kerchiefs tied around his neck. The main narrative of Tampopo is also intertwined with other subplots, but they all tie into the theme of human relationships and a love and appreciation of food. If you’re interested in watching this movie, I believe it is currently available for streaming on Max!

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