Hanne van der Iest profile

Hanne van der Iest



M.A., Anthropology, Emory University

M.S., Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Oxford

B.S., Sociology, University of Groningen



I am a PhD candidate at Emory University, Anthropology. My background is both in sociology (BS, University of Groningen, the Netherlands) and anthropology (MS, Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Oxford, UK and MA, Anthropology, Emory).
My research interests center primarily on cooperation and its evolution in communities and networks, social network methodology, and the spread of attitudes and behaviors through networks over time.
At this time I’m pursuing a couple of different projects. In arbitrary order: I am hoping to review and compare the efficacy of various network analysis methods to study cooperation networks. Additionally I’m looking at the relations between social network structure and wealth inequality in a sample of cross-cultural cooperation networks from 6 societies. Lastly (for now), I am investigating the spread of health related attitudes and behaviors through geographical networks (spatial-temporal analysis) in sub-Saharan Africa.