JPN 201/202

JPN202 Spring 2014 Course Project
Section 002 “Around Emory”
Students introduce facilities and events around Emory University! Please enjoy watching and learn about what is around Emory University.
  • Digital Story Projects from JPN 202 Spring 2012

These are the digital stories students made to introduce Atlanta. They are all in Japanese. Please enjoy watching them and get to know Atlanta!



  • Students wrote three compositions in JPN202 Spring 2013.  After they write them, they all present them in class and shared their work.


1. お世話になった人への手紙/Letter to someone who have helped me

             デントン・ウィリアムズ/Denton Williams

2. がんばったこと/the thing that I have tried the hardest

ジャイ・ニエ/Jiayi Nie

 3. 日本と自分の国の違いについて/ The difference between Japanese culture and my culture

  • In JPN202 Spring 2013, we viewed a movie of “Chibimaruko chan” to learn more vocabulary/grammar structure and Japanese culture!  After studying about Chibimaruko chan for two weeks, students wrote movie reports.


The topic for the digital story project for JPN202 Spring 2013 was “introduction of my favorite sight” or “differences between their native cultures and that of Japan”.  Please enjoy watching them. Those videos will take you all over the world!
And, here are some of the scripts of the movies which we could not upload on the public site. Just from these scripts, we can learn the culture differences.



  • We learn Keigo in JPN201. Keigo, meaning “honorific language”, is used to show the respect to superiors in the social relationship.  To practice Keigo in class, students interviewed teachers from outside of the classroom.  Here are introductions of Yamaguchi sensee, Harada sensee and Nakanishi sensee written by students!