
Hello! I do research and teach in the fields of comparative politics and law and politics in the Department of Political Science at Emory University, where I am a professor and Director of the Center for the Study of Law and Politics. I am also the Judiciary Project Manager for Varieties of Democracy.

On this page you will find descriptions of past and on-going research, which focuses on the challenges of holding state officials to domestic and international legal limits on their authority through the use of judicial review. I am particularly interested in how judges manage informational and power asymmetries via both the careful construction of legal text and direct communication with the public through the media. I am currently writing a book that considers the conditions, if there are any, under which we can expect courts to be bulwarks of democracy. 

I am also committed to building collaborative research communities, believing that more and better work can be done in groups of linked research teams. Please visit my collaborative research page for examples. 

My research has appeared in the  American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, International Organization, Journal of Law and Courts, International Studies Quarterly, among other journals.. My books, Can Courts be Bulwarks of Democracy? (co-authored with Christopher Reenock and Jordan Holsinger) and Judicial Power and Strategic Communication in Mexico were both published by Cambridge University Press