Winston Huey, Application Analyst, ITSMO

Photo of new employee
Photo of new employee
“I work with a brilliant team,” said Winston about his colleagues in ITSMO, “I enjoy using work flows and this team specializes in them.

Winston Huey is the newest application analyst to join the IT Service Management Office. Prior to his work at Emory, Winston spent a year as a front-end angular developer at Onetrust. He also spent 18 months as a team leader for logistics reporting systems at AT&T.

Born in Hillsborough, NJ, Winston earned his bachelor’s degree in computer science from Georgia State University. He came to Georgia twenty years ago when his dad was transferred as an AT&T employee.

When he’s not working, Winston loves to fly drones and play video games. He considers himself a drone hobbyist, flying a Mavic Pro and shooting video when he can.

“I work with a brilliant team,” said Winston about his colleagues in ITSMO, “I enjoy using work flows and this team specializes in them. I’m excited to get my feet wet in their systems.”

You can reach Winston at winston [dot] huey [at] emory [dot] edu.

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