Pre-Raphaelite Depictions of Mother and Childhood by Andrew Singer

  Snell, Melissa. “What Childhood Was Really Like in the Middle Ages.” ThoughtCo, Leslie Parris (ed.), The Pre-Raphaelites, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1984, reprinted 1994, pp.77-79, reproduced p.79, in colour. Tate. “’The Girlhood of Mary Virgin’, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1848-9.” Tate, Tate. “’Christ in the House of His Parents (‘The Carpenter’s Shop’)’, Sir John Everett…

Materiality Analysis of Aberystwyth 735C

Studying any artifact gives a rewarding and fascinating look into past generations and clues current generations into the nuances of a life before our own. Handmade medieval manuscripts are among the most fascinating of preserved artifacts due to their multifaceted display of workmanship, creativity, and dedication. Nowadays, the way a book is printed has an…