Emory University School of Medicine – Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Clinical research trials depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, schizophrenia, anxiety, and other disorders
- Website: https://psychiatry.emory.edu/research/clinical_trials/index.html
Emory University and Emory Healthcare Clinical Trials: Neurology and Psychiatry
- Website: http://clinicaltrials.emory.edu/search.html?criteria=Neurology%20and%20Psychiatry%20Trials
- Emory HealthConnection℠ at 404-778-7777
CAMP Therapy Research Group
- Free treatment and evaluation for 15-17 year-old adolescents experiencing depression
- Must be right-handed and not be taking medication
- Phone number: 404-272-4799
- Website:http://www.camp-emory.com/BAStudy.htm
Listening, Inspiring, and Guiding Healthy Transitions Early Treatment Program (LIGHT-ETP)
- Coordinated specialty care program (psychotherapy, case management, medication management, primary care coordination) for young adults through the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Development Disabilities
- For people 16-30 experiencing first episodes of psychosis
- Fact Sheet with Location Information Across GA:https://gacoeonline.gsu.edu/download/light-etp-fact-sheet/
- Dekalb/Fulton County Contact Number: 678-209-2390
- Gwinnett County Contact Number:678-209-2390
- Email:Lightdf@vphealth.org
- For Patients with a schizophrenia diagnosis
- To test if a computerized cognitive remediation program may help improve info processing in patients with a schizophrenia diagnosis
- Time Commitment: 5 one hour sessions per week, for 6 months
- PI: Erica Duncan, MD
- Contact: Molly Fargotstein, 404-321-6111, ext 6967
Emory Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program
- Major Depressive Disorder
- ISLAND– Either CBT or Lexapro Treatment (18-55yo)
- Treatment Resistant Depression Study(18-65yo) receive either placebo or cariprazine (atypical AP) and antidepressant
- Questionnaire Form:http://www.psychiatry.emory.edu/PROGRAMS/Emoryclinicaltrials/depressionQuestion.html
- Phone Number: 404-778-6663