Evolution and God Can Coexist

In Christopher Bennett’s What is this thing called ethics?,  Bennett discusses the positions of theists, atheists, and humanists. The concept of God and morality coinciding is a difficult process to grasp because there is no tangible proof of the existence of God. Although there are aspects of each position that I agree with, I support the theist position in regards to evolution and how the world came to be. Christopher Bennett, when speaking on behalf of the theists, made the claim that “we need to explain the very existence of the universe through there being a perfectly free and powerful being” (Bennett 116).

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution explains how organisms evolved from natural selection and the survival of the fittest. Darwin never mentioned God in his theory nor did he explain why the process of evolution originally occurred. To understand the world in which we live in, we need to “point to a Being powerful enough to start the process of the universe’s development off” (Bennett 116). Science dates back to the big bang, but what happened before it? Bennett implies that there must be a figure behind the world’s creation.

Darwin’s theory is scientifically proven as true. Just because his theory is true, does not mean the existence of God is false. Author Stefan Lovgren argues that evolution and religion can coexist. He argues that evolution could be God’s tool in the creation of humans. Lovgren states, “it would be perfectly logical to think that a divine being used evolution as a method to create the world” (Lovgren). In other words, it makes sense that God would use evolution as a method because the ones that are most adapted to the environment survive.  Evolution could be used to explain present life, but God could be the ultimate creator who used evolution as a tool (Snellenberger). If we are all God’s children, wouldn’t God want us all to be well adapted so we can survive and prosper?

Bennett also discusses the fact that God is the Designer. He states, “where there is a design, there must be a designer” (Bennett 115). To support this claim, he compares a watch and a chameleon. If a person were to find a watch on a deserted island, that individual would know that someone else created the intricate clockwork and the design of the watch. A chameleon, on the other hand, does not have a known designer. Conscious design was put behind the chameleon’s ability to change color to fit its surroundings. But who gave the chameleon this ability? (Bennett 115). Science cannot answer this question; religion can. God, Almighty, could be the mastermind behind this design.

The belief in God has no genuine proof like science has, which is why many people find it hard to accept that there is a god. The existence of God is not proved by facts, but rather by beliefs and faith. Through the theist’s argument, it is clear that one can support scientific theories while also having faith in god.


Works Cited

Bennett, Christopher. “Ethics and Religion.” What is this thing called ethics?. London: Routledge, 2010. 111-125. Print.

Lovgren, Stefan. “Evolution and Religion Can Coexist, Scientists Say.” National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 18 Oct. 2004. Web. 21 Sept. 2014. <http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/10/1018_041018_science_religion.html>

Snellenberger, Earl . “Creationism Evolving.” PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2014. <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/08/2/l_082_03.html>

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