Anna Swygert serves as the Assistant Director of Streetlight, a non-profit within Shands Children’s Hospital in Gainesville, Florida. Streetlight is an adolescent palliative care program that supports adolescents and young adults, ages 13-30, living with chronic and terminal disease. These patients live with a variety of chronic illnesses, including cancer, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell, autoimmune illnesses, organ transplantation, gastro-intestinal illnesses, and other life-limiting diagnoses. Streetlight utilizes a peer-support model of care, organizing over 60 college-aged volunteers from the University of Florida that build friendships with patients while hospitalized and accompany them on their illness journeys. Anna also serves as the Director of Community Engagement at the Gator Wesley Foundation, the United Methodist student ministry of the University of Florida and Santa Fe College, where she creates opportunities for individual and communal spiritual formation. She is passionate about spiritual care, theologies of suffering, and the blurring of the sacred and secular. Anna graduated from Candler School of Theology with her Master’s of Divinity in 2020 and is a certified candidate for ordination in the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. She can be reached at anna [dot] swygert [at] peds [dot] ufl [dot] edu