This group features Nir Felder, who is probably one of the best jazz guitarists as of late.  He has a very exciting sound that balances highly linear/chromatic lines with intervallic leaps (ex: 4ths) that is usually not seen in guitar playing. This is very clearly seen in 6:10 where he goes up the chromatic scale before using intervals to leap around.  There is a very interesting syncopated rhythm that is highlighted during the start of the solo section around 1:51.  You can really see how the sax player builds up his solo after starting with motivic development.  The drummer built a crazy amount of energy during the keyboard solo that is very impressive as  very few drummers can do that.


One response to “Never Absent”

  1. Kevin Burns Sullivan Avatar
    Kevin Burns Sullivan

    I like the motivic ideas the sax developed, like the one around 1:35. There was a lot of space throughout the song, especially at solos. The guitar solo was reserved on volume. I think these two things gave a very focused sound to the piece, which I liked.

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