Project Director Kristin Wendland, Ph.D. (Emory) and Co-Project Director Kacey Link, D.M.A. (independent scholar/pianist, Los Angeles, CA) received an NEH collaborative research grant in the convening category to organize and host an interdisciplinary conference of international scholars and scholar-artists on tango. The project is centered on broadening the scholarly discourse on tango, its history, its influence on culture and society, and its application for practitioners. It will unite twenty-three scholars from around the world and of a variety of humanistic disciplines, including race and gender studies, political history, musicology, anthropology, ethnomusicology, dance history, and performance. The primary product of this project is a three-day conference at Emory University in Atlanta, GA in November 21-23 2024. The parallel Emory TangoFest will feature two concerts and a milonga. As a subsequent product, it will create a digital project through the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship (ECDS) of the workshopped and edited conference papers and presentations with the prospective completion date of July 1, 2025. With these two outcomes, the directors will provide a model of how an art form like the tango is studied through humanistic lenses and reinvigorates the human experience.