Category: RGC

  • Annualizing Salary @ Emory

    Authors: Deborah Snyder, Research Grants & Contracts, drjack2 and Tricia Callahan, Research Training, tricia.callahan  If you work with faculty on a 9-month appointment or another contract type that is not 12 months (e.g., 10 months), knowing how to annualize their Institutional Base Salary (IBS) for calculating effort is essential, as most agencies require…

  • RGC Policies Summary

    Author: Dr. Edwin Bemmel, AVP, RGC We are excited to share that our policies have been released into Policy Manager. These policies were created with feedback from our stakeholders and are based on the Uniform Guidance and standard grants management practices. While most are new, several are revisions of existing policies. Here is a listing of…

  • Award Management @ Emory University – Check Out Our Newest Video!

    The April 2023, external newsletter featured an article by Edwin Bemmel on the Life of an Award @ Emory University. This article focused on the roles, responsibilities, tools, and support for award administration from Award Negotiation & Acceptance through the Award Closeout. If you missed this article, don’t worry! You can find newsletters archived on…

  • Did You Know? Voluntary, Committed Cost Share

    Voluntary cost share included in a proposal becomes committed as a condition of the resulting award. As such, Emory is responsible for tracking and meeting voluntarily committed cost share. Emory’s practice is to minimize institutional cost sharing on sponsored projects, particularly cost share that is not required in the program solicitation. Cost Share 2 CFR…

  • Leadership Development Programs

    To support ORA’s strategy of Developing a Strong and Supported Workforce through the implementation of the OneORA framework for leadership development, we proudly announce the ORA graduates of the fall of 2022 of the Leadership Development Programs offered by Emory Learning and Organizational Development.  The graduation and celebration took place on February 10, 2023, at…

  • Meet Our New ORA Interns

    We proudly announce our partnership with the Center for Global Health Innovation and Year Up and welcome to ORA, our first ever cohort of Year Up interns. Year Up is a national nonprofit organization working to provide economic and racial justicethrough by connecting thousands of young adults with economic opportunity and postsecondary education.  The program…