Category: SOT

  • Annualizing Salary @ Emory

    Authors: Deborah Snyder, Research Grants & Contracts, drjack2 and Tricia Callahan, Research Training, tricia.callahan  If you work with faculty on a 9-month appointment or another contract type that is not 12 months (e.g., 10 months), knowing how to annualize their Institutional Base Salary (IBS) for calculating effort is essential, as most agencies require…

  • How to Register for a Brainer Learning Opportunity 

    Brainer is Emory’s newest learning management system. It contains online classes, on-demand courses, and related materials. Many of the learning opportunities in Emory’s Learning Management System (ELMS) are now in Brainer. The Research Training team is working to move training opportunities into Brainer. Doing so will allow you to access, manage, and track training that…

  • The Fundamentals of Effort Certification 

    Effort Certification Fundamentals is now available in Brainer. This course walks learners through the basics of effort certification. After completing this course, learners will be able to:  Effort Certification Fundamentals is part one of a three-part series on effort certification developed by Sandra Meadows, Instructional designer, in consultation with central and non-central administrative staff. This…

  • ORA Unit Spotlight – Office of Research Administration Optimization (ORAO)

    Author: Dr. April Carswell (ORA) The Office of Research Administration (ORA) is excited to announce the development of the Office of Research Administration Optimization (ORAO), an exciting new initiative led by the Interim Assistant Vice President for Research, Lisa Wilson. Still in the development stage, this innovative office aims to enhance and align operational support…

  • ARPA-H Resources Available on the SOT Training Website 

    ARPA-H  The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) is the newest federal funding agency under the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The mission of ARPA-H is to support high-impact research in support of transformative, sustainable, and equitable biomedical and health solutions for everyone.   ARPA-H @ Emory Website and Resources  Resources are now…

  • Award Management @ Emory University – Check Out Our Newest Video!

    The April 2023, external newsletter featured an article by Edwin Bemmel on the Life of an Award @ Emory University. This article focused on the roles, responsibilities, tools, and support for award administration from Award Negotiation & Acceptance through the Award Closeout. If you missed this article, don’t worry! You can find newsletters archived on…

  • Office of Research Administration to Revolutionize Operations with Cutting-Edge AI ChatGPT Integration

    Author: Lisa Wilson, Sr. Director, Strategic Operations and Training We are excited to announce a groundbreaking initiative to revolutionize operations and enhance efficiency in the Office of Research Administration (ORA). Aligned with our commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and perpetual process improvement, the Office of Strategic Operations and Training (SOT) embarked…

  • Did You Know? Voluntary, Committed Cost Share

    Voluntary cost share included in a proposal becomes committed as a condition of the resulting award. As such, Emory is responsible for tracking and meeting voluntarily committed cost share. Emory’s practice is to minimize institutional cost sharing on sponsored projects, particularly cost share that is not required in the program solicitation. Cost Share 2 CFR…

  • Meet the SOT Instructional Designer

    Sandra Meadows is an Instructional Designer under Strategic Operations & Training (SOT) in the Office of Research Administration. Sandra joins Emory after a decade of working in the academic and corporate sectors. Sandra shares her experience analyzing training needs and planning, organizing, developing, and evaluating training materials and programs to meet educational needs. Sandra will work…

  • ORA Boot Camp Session Overview: PI Financial Portal

    Overview On Wednesday, March 8, Susan Cooper, Enterprise Data Analytics and Strategic Support, provided an overview of the PI Financial Portal. For those unable to attend, the recording can be accessed here. The PI portal is one tool Emory investigators have for transparency into expenses posted to their sponsored and non-sponsored accounts. The PI Financial…