Most Recent Published Articles:

  • Noteworthy Takeaways from the NIH Virtual Grants Conference

    The NIH Virtual Grants Conference on Funding, Policies, & Procedures took place February 1-2, 2023. Below are a few of the hot topics covered during the conference. Forms Use of the new FORMS-H is required now! The key change between Forms-G and Forms-H is the addition of the “Other Plans” attachment field in the PHS…

  • ORA Boot Camp Session Overview: PI Financial Portal

    Overview On Wednesday, March 8, Susan Cooper, Enterprise Data Analytics and Strategic Support, provided an overview of the PI Financial Portal. For those unable to attend, the recording can be accessed here. The PI portal is one tool Emory investigators have for transparency into expenses posted to their sponsored and non-sponsored accounts. The PI Financial…

  • ORA Unit Spotlight – OTT

    Until recently, much of my career was spent as a writer in advertising agencies, and one of the major parts of that job is learning a little about a lot of things. When I came to Emory as a Marketing Specialist in the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT), working alongside brilliant people who’ve dedicated years…

  • Leadership Development Programs

    To support ORA’s strategy of Developing a Strong and Supported Workforce through the implementation of the OneORA framework for leadership development, we proudly announce the ORA graduates of the fall of 2022 of the Leadership Development Programs offered by Emory Learning and Organizational Development.  The graduation and celebration took place on February 10, 2023, at…

  • Meet Our New ORA Interns

    We proudly announce our partnership with the Center for Global Health Innovation and Year Up and welcome to ORA, our first ever cohort of Year Up interns. Year Up is a national nonprofit organization working to provide economic and racial justicethrough by connecting thousands of young adults with economic opportunity and postsecondary education.  The program…

  • SOT Staff Highlight – Heather Lennon

    The Research Training Team under Strategic Operations & Training (SOT) is pleased to welcome Heather Lennon as a new Training Design/Communications Manager. Heather joins us from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) where she served as the Director of the Sponsored Programs Office for the College of Humanities & Sciences (CHS SPO). As the Director of the…

  • SOT Staff Highlight – Ashley Myers

    This month we celebrate Ashley Myers and her 12-year work anniversary at Emory University. Ashley started her Emory career in the ORA Office of Technology Transfer, managing and marketing projects, events, conferences, and training related to research faculty and staff education. From there, she moved to Research Business Operations where she spent three years as…

  • NSF Required Certifications 

    Per the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued new requirements for the disclosure of funding sources in applications for federal research and development awards. Biographical sketches and current and pending documents are required disclosure documents on NSF applications for all PI, Co-PI,…

  • NIH Forms and Requirements 

    Applications for NIH opportunities with receipt deadlines on or after January 25, 2023, must use FORMS-H grant application forms and instructions.  For more details, please refer to this NIH notice:  One of the new requirements for proposal submission affects data management and sharing:   The NIH Data Management & Sharing (DMS) Policy, effective January 25, 2023,…

  • ORA Process Improvement Initiative: OTT to Handle Outgoing DUAs 

    In FY22, Robert Nobles launched an effort to review and improve the management of data use agreements (DUAs) through a process improvement initiative lead by the ORA Strategic Operations (Dragon) Team.  The OTT team is pleased to announce that effort to improve DUAs has led to the creation/expansion of an electronic submission process that reduces…

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