Eureka! We’ve solved the equation! Libraries = Strong Communities!
AND, we’d like to get that word out during National Library Week, April 7 – 13!
How did we arrive at that solution?
- Because access equals opportunity!
- Because libraries inspire understanding and community healing!
- Because a little know-how can make your smart phone smarter!
- Because it is 3 am and you need no competition with a dry – erase board!
- And, YES, you can drink your Oxpresso Caramel Iced Macchiato in the library!
To help us celebrate National Library Week, our love of libraries and all things book-related, stop by and make use of our FREE button making station and make one of five possible designs that celebrate books!
AND, because all librarians know that there is no single source for information, Oxford College students will be able to contribute to the solution with their own personal testimony during National Library Week. How are YOU inspired by library value, use and support? How does our library make the Oxford College Community stronger? Join us at the white board display in the Library Commons anytime during April 7th through the 13th, grab a sticky note, and add your testimony to the board! After all, librarians say punctuation without imagination only makes a sentence, not a story!
Let’s hear yours!