Call for Applications: Elizabeth Long Atwood Undergraduate Research Award 2025

Dear Emory undergraduate students,

It is our pleasure to invite your applications for the Elizabeth Long Atwood Award. This award celebrates undergraduate researchers with outstanding library research skills, scholarly vigor, creativity, and sophistication.

Emory Libraries sponsors four $1,000 prizes for original research papers, digital projects, or posters. A panel of judges composed of faculty members and librarians from the Atlanta and Oxford campuses will select the award recipients. If supported by the number of applicants, two prizes will be awarded to first-year and sophomore contestants and two prizes will be given to juniors and seniors. You are eligible if:

  • you are a currently enrolled undergraduate student at Emory University
  • the submitted research project in the form of a paper, digital project, or poster was completed since March 1st of the preceding year (2024) for an Emory University credit-bearing course
  • you authorize library staff to display your research project for public viewing following receipt of the award

Please see additional information about the competition and how to submit your work on the award website.

The submission deadline is Sunday, March 30, 2025, 11:59 pm.

Please direct your questions and comments to Paige Crowl.


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