The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks: Official Trailer

To respond to the posts about the HeLa case, I was researching Henrietta Lacks and discovered that coincidentally, a film, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, will be released on April 22, 2017. It is based Rebecca Skloot’s nonfiction book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, a great read. The trailer is below.

“In 1951, cancerous cells from Henrietta Lacks lead to breakthroughs that change the face of medicine forever. Aided by writer Rebecca Skloot, Deborah Lacks embarks on a quest to learn about the mother she never knew.”

“Science took her cells. Her family reclaimed her story. Oprah Winfrey and Rose Byrne star in this adaptation of the critically-acclaimed book. HBO Films presents The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Saturday, April 22 at 8pm on HBO. ”

I look forward to seeing this and wonder how the film is going to respond to the ethics regarding the Lacks case.

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