As we approach the end of the Fall Semester, Pitts Theology Library staff wish you well on your upcoming work and invite you to rely on library spaces and resources to help you do your best. Finals bring a few changes to our practices and policies, which are designed to help you succeed. Please be aware of the following, and contact us if you have any questions. Good luck with your studies!
- Extended Hours: From Wednesday 12/8 through Tuesday 12/14, the library will extend its hours. Opening hours will stay the same, but the library will stay open additional hours at night. For full hours, please visit pitts.emory.edu/hours. Please note that the building locks soon after the library closes, so all students will need to leave the Candler School of Theology building complex when the library closes. There are 24-hour study spaces on campus, particularly the Woodruff Library.
- Silent Study Space: From Wednesday 12/8 through Tuesday 12/14, the library will be a silent study space. We ask that all patrons respect their colleagues and go outside the library for any conversations.
- Pitts Hospitality: During Finals, the library becomes a popular study place for all members of the Emory community. As a part of the Emory community, Pitts is open to all Emory faculty, students, and staff. We encourage all to extend hospitality to one another, sharing tables and assistance in the space, while maintaining university COVID-19 protocols, and alerting library staff to any problematic behavior. For our policies, please visit pitts.emory.edu/policies.
- No Food: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, food of any kind must be eaten outside of the library and Rita Ann Rollins Building. Refrigerators are available throughout the Rita Ann Rollins Building if you need a place to store meals.
- Extra Study Space: The library is happy to open extra study space for students during this busy time. The 3rd Floor Lecture Hall (Room 360) will be open as a study space starting at 5pm on Wednesday, December 8th through Tuesday, December 14th. If you would like to learn about study space at Pitts, visit pitts.emory.edu/map.
- Visitor Policy: Access to Pitts is limited to Emory patrons with a valid Emory ID and visitors with approved reservations. All visitors must adhere to the Emory visitor policy.
- Let Us Know How We’re Doing: Please direct any concerns to the library director, Bo Adams, PhD (rmadams [at] emory [dot] edu).