

Recent SummerReading2019

Summer Reading, vol. 6: Susan Reynolds

This week Pitts consulted Dr. Susan B. Reynolds, Candler’s Assistant Professor of Catholic Studies, to add to your list of summer reading and resources! Dr. Reynolds provided several poignant recommendations that speak to theology and spirituality. First, Dr. Reynolds suggests Jean...

Summer Reading, vol. 5: Caitlin Russell

This week we heard from Pitts Theology Library’s Acquisitions, Serials, and Assessment Librarian, Caitlin Russell. Take a break from the heavy academic reads with these novels grounded in religion and history! First, Caitlin recommends Eternal Life by Dara Horn (W. W. Norton...

Summer Reading, vol. 4: Alison Greene

This week we invited reading suggestions from Candler’s Associate Professor of American Religious History, Dr. Alison Greene! Dr. Greene provides three cohesive suggestions in a variety of genres and formats to fit the needs of any reader. First, Dr. Greene...

Summer Reading, vol. 3: Quentin Samuels

This week we spoke to Quentin L. Samuels, Candler’s Assistant Director of Student Life. Quentin has several inspiring book suggestions that will help incoming students develop clear, coherent questions about their calling and purpose. First, Quentin suggests A More Beautiful Question:...