Category: Rhetoric Study Guide

  • Rhetorical Analysis

    Definition Rhetorical Analysis is when you are reading a text and taking into account all of the rhetorical elements that make the text. Significance Rhetorical Analysis is important to understand because when you analyze rhetorical elements an author uses in their texts, it gives more understanding in the point that they are trying to get…

  • Rhetorical Context

    Definition: The circumstances surrounding a pice of communication/literature. It can include various elements including the purpose, audience, tone and background that influence how a piece will be interpreted. Significance: Knowing rhetorical context is important because it explains why what surrounds your price of literature makes it important? Context clarifies the intended meaning of a message.…

  • Metaphor

    Definition A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different objects without explicitly saying “like” or “as”. It compares two unlike things in a descriptive, meaningful way that reveals a new layer of understanding about one element through the lens of another. Significance Understanding metaphors is important for both reading and writing as…

  • Genre

    Definition: Genre is a term that categorizes and classifies the type of writings, art pieces, music and other forms of literature by its style, content or forms. Significance: A literature’s genre remains important because it provides the writer with general organizations that help them to arrange what they want to say. The genre helps the…


    Definition A guiding belief or ideal to a community or group/Credibility of someone when they’re trying to persuade you. There are some techiques that can be used in persuation. When trying to convince people, It’s likely that people believe what someone says because they seem knowledgeable or some characters seem believable. Showing such character in…

  • Audience

    Definition The audience is a intended group of spectators or listeners the author conveys the text to. Significance Audience is an essential component of Rhetoric. The author usually composes a text with the intended audience in mind. There is a purpose or goal in the text because of the existence of the audience. If we…

  • Logos

    Definition A technique that uses logic and reasoning to persuade the audience of what the author is trying to convey. Significance Logos is a vital technique we must use because it employs the facts in a way that is logical so that the audience is convinced of the main point. It’s used in many speeches…

  • Rhetorical Situation

    Definition A Rhetorical Situation is made up of different factors that allow for communication to occur. Some factors are purpose, audience, exigence, and constraints. Significance The importance understanding the significance of rhetorical situations is it creates effective writing and allows for persuasive communication to be created as well as make a writers writing have better…

  • Audience

    Definition Refers to the individual or group for who the piece of literature is intended for. Audience is the who. Who was this written for? What group of people did the author hope to move with their work? Significance By understanding who the author hoped to reach with their writing, we can better understand the…

  • Genre

    Genre refers to a category or classification system used to categorize different types of literary works based on their style, content, and elements. Significance Genre helps readers and writers navigate the vast literary world by providing a framework for categorizing and identifying different types of texts. It enables readers to choose books and readings that…