Reading Journal 13

“There’s a word Trevor once told me about, one he learned from Buford, who served in the navy in Hawaii during the Korean War: kipuka. The piece of land that’s spared after a lava flow runs down the slope of a hill—an island formed from what survives the smallest apocalypse. Before the lava descended, scorching… Continue reading Reading Journal 13

Reading Journal 14

Coming into this class I viewed queer reading as a noun: understanding historical context, reading queer novels, and analyzing how queer people and culture was viewed in all forms of media is how I interacted with a queer reading. While I believe that these are all still true understandings of queer reading, this course helped… Continue reading Reading Journal 14

Reading Journal 11

A novel that I would like to recommend is “Real Queer America: LGBT Stories from Red States” by Dr. Samantha Leigh Allen, who received her Ph.D. in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a Psychoanalytic Studies certificate from Emory University. The book details personal stories and an overall look into queer communities in red states.… Continue reading Reading Journal 11

Reading Journal 7

Food and presentation are both easy and creative, so they tend to be my source of joy when I have a busy schedule. This weekend, I went out to eat with my best friend and also decided to plan out the hair and nail styles I want for the fall. Seeing my friend gave me… Continue reading Reading Journal 7

Reading Journal : Prompt 6

Metaphors are figures of speech used to convey a specific ideal about the literal topic at hand. The scene in which Sula’s mother, Hannah, is burning is a metaphor for the intergenerational problems that Sula, Hannah, and Eve struggle with. Plagued with personal hardships, Eve was unable to be a “good” mother to Hannah, leading… Continue reading Reading Journal : Prompt 6

Journal Entry #4: Fox News on the Controversy Surrounding Lizzo and the Flute 

Recently, people have taken issue with the fact that pop star Lizzo was the first to play former President James Madison’s crystal flute. Those who found a problem with it tended to be conservative leaning, causing uproar on both sides of an extremely bipartisan country. Fox News decided to report on it, penning an article… Continue reading Journal Entry #4: Fox News on the Controversy Surrounding Lizzo and the Flute