Reading Journal 7

Around this time, I was able to call my mom and FaceTime her. While I do call her regularly, I hadn’t called her in about 3 weeks because of school work and was really around that time. Calling my mom was something I enjoyed because she is essentially the one that brings me joy. I was able to catch up with her and chat about what I have been up to and what I have been worried about letting her know that after 21 years of living, I can trust her with all the things I tell her. Calling her not only makes her happy but it also rejuvenates me at the same time. It gives me motivation to finish the week strong and do the best I can every day. It sort of reassures the reason why I am here chasing not only my dream but most importantly what she calls her American Dream and that is graduating from college. If you have the time to take 5 minutes of your day, whoever is reading this, please take time to talk to your parents, mom, dad, siblings, etc and tell them how much you appreciate them! Te amo mama! Love you mom! I wasn’t able to get a picture of our FaceTime but here is a picture of me and my mom. P.S. might have shed a tear writing this because I miss my family hehe

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