Reading Journal 8 – Amy Chou

My essay talks about these following points:

  1. Bell hooks’ argument on how Paris is Burning acts as a medium of justifying white supremacy
  2. Bell hooks’ argument on how Livingston does not have the right to film a documentary about black queer culture
  3. My perspective on although Livingston might have ignored some details in the documentary that makes the balck audience uncomfortable, but her true intention is to help the underrepresented group.
  • Strength: 
    • Includes different perspective from other articles to analyze and examine bell hooks’ argument
    • Close-read specific examples from both Is Paris Burning? and Paris is Burning
  • Possible improvements:
    • Could add more transitions between paragraphs / ideas
      • It makes sense to me but I’m not sure it makes sense to other people
    • Could include more outside sources on how other people interpret bell hooks’ argument
    • Cut down repeated wordings
  • Writing process
    • Organizing all the ideas into paragraphs is definitely something I struggled the most
    • I started writing the body paragraphs first, then the conclusion and the introduction
    • In order to transition better from one paragraph to another, I should try writing my body paragraphs in order instead of jumping around during my writing process
  • Skills I wish to learn more in the future
    • Do more diverse type of close reading other than focusing on the diction
    • How to connect one idea to another more coherently
    • How to avoid run-on sentences

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