Reading Journal: Prompt 9

  1. The form that I plan on presenting my information in is a podcast. I feel like the idea of performance is extremely nuanced and as a woman that is cisgendered and feminine presenting, I would like to have people submit their personal experiences in order to explore all areas of this topic. A podcast would allow for this because it grants me the space to discuss performance in the eyes of the true definition while also tackling the concepts of heteronormativity, race, and class. 
  1. My intended audience would be people who do not fall under the label of “queer”. I feel like, generally, people view concepts such as “passing” to be uniquely queer experiences. By explaining how the idea of performance is a societal expectation to even create and uphold the “norm”, I would be able to better translate the complexities of performance as it relates to gender. Trans and gender non-conforming people understand this on a deeper level due to personal experiences and are “othered” because of it, but a main theme I want to take home is that these experiences are universal. Therefore my target audience is non-queer, but particularly cishet individuals.
  1. The reason why I like the format of a podcast is because it allows for informal speech, audio expands the emotion and message that I am trying to display, and podcasts allow for a conversation-based format, which would make it easier to highlight important voices. 

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