Reading Journal – Prompt 12

In this image a young woman is in a grocery store balancing a bag of chips on her head. The woman is making the infamous “duck face” and holding a peace sign up. On top, there’s the text that reads “She’s so crazy! Love her!!!”

Images and texts are both forms of communication that can convey information to a viewer or reader. While texts rely on words to create imagery, images are often visual representations of meanings often difficult to convey in words. In order to read an image, you have to look at several elements in a photograph. This includes looking at the composition, color, lines, shapes, and any other visual elements that make up the image, as well as considering the context in which the image is presented and any accompanying text or captions.

In this image, the woman’s actions contrast with the text above creating a sense of humor. For example, the person seriously describes the woman’s actions as out-of-the-norm or eccentric when it’s nothing of the sort. This creates a sense of irony because of the poster’s intent versus what the image actually conveys.

Furthermore, this meme is just a screenshot off of someone’s Facebook page. Therefore, it was never intended to be a source of humor, which adds to the comedic element.

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