Tips for Internal Grants Transfers

What Account Codes should be used for Sponsored Grant internal transfers?

  1. If funding deficits on a sponsored grant, the expense should be moved through the journal entry process from the grant to a departmental fund.  The Account Code used should reflect the underlying expense.  (i.e. Supply Labs/Technical expense – 53300)
  2. If an Emory department is paying another Emory department for services on a grant, the 8xxxx series Account Codes should be used rather than the 9xxxx series Account Codes.  Recharge expenses and revenues are used most often (85xxx series) for these inter-department transfers.
  3. If moving residual funds from a sponsored grant, contact your OGCA Accountant for assistance.

What happens if a journal entry is created for a Sponsored Grant using 9xxxx series Account Codes?

The Controller’s Office will push back the journal entry and add the following comments:  “We have been informed not to approve journals using a grant with a transfer account because it will not show up on the SPP report.  Please contact your OGCA representative for the correct account to use.”

Where is the listing of Compass Account Codes?

The 9xxxx series of Account Codes should NOT be used to transfer funds to/from Sponsored Grants.   The 9xxxx series are not Grant expense Account Codes.