Category: EHSO
Introducing the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) Occupational Health Program
The Mission of the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) is to engage the Emory community in managing environmental, health, and safety risks, reducing workplace injuries and illnesses, and decreasing environmental impact. Multiple EHSO units including Research Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Safety, Radiation Safety, and Environmental Programs contribute to this mission by providing expertise and value-added services…
Institutional Biosafety Committee
The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) partners with the Emory Community to provide environmental, health, and safety (EHS) practices that enhance and support our world-renowned, cutting edge research. This is accomplished by managing EHS risks to reduce the potential for workplace injury or illness. A primary focus of EHSO is managing the safe use…
Preparing Research Laboratories for Winter Recess
During this season of family and friends, it is easy to be distracted by holiday preparations. We must remember that laboratories requires constant attention to operate safely and effectively. By taking a few precautions and preparations, labs can remain safe for researchers and service personnel, as well as safeguard experiments. Laboratory buildings are remarkably complex…
Health Sciences Research Building Phase 2
Health Sciences Research Building Phase 2 (HSRB 2) is an innovative addition to Emory’s research capacity as it brings together experimental researchers, computationists, and core technologies. This building represents the most comprehensive research facility on the Emory Campus and is nearing completion with occupancy beginning near the end of this year. HSRB 2 represents a…
Monkeypox: A New Challenge
The World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). Monkeypox is an orthopoxvirus that causes disease that is similar but not as severe as smallpox and is endemic to central and western Africa. Since May of 2022, monkeypox has been reported in countries…
The Safety Theme for July is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The purpose of PPE is to protect yourself from potential exposures as well as protect others by keeping what you work with inside the lab. PPE is one aspect of risk minimization, and it serves as your last line of defense against direct exposures to hazardous materials and environments (e.g., hot or cold surfaces, contaminated…
Respiratory Protection
Do I Need Respiratory Protection? Emory has a commitment to its faculty, staff, and students to keep them safe while they conduct research. One type of hazard found while conducting research activities is airborne contaminants. This includes chemicals, animal dander, physical hazards, including nanoparticles, and/or biological agents. Emory uses the “Hierarchy of Controls” to minimize…
Non Emory Research Affiliates
*Volunteers are not permitted in Emory research laboratories. EHSO’s former Volunteers and Minors Registration Forms are no longer accepted and have been removed from our website. Do You Have a Non-Emory Individual Participating in Research Laboratory Activities? New guidelines for volunteers in research laboratories were established in Fall 2021. Please review the following Requirements for…
Chemical Hygiene Plan Update
The annual review of the EHS-405 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) was completed as required by the OSHA’s Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories Standard (29 CFR 1910.1450); known as the Laboratory Standard. The CHP’s purpose is to provide a written program outlining policies, procedures, and responsibilities that protect employees from hazardous chemicals in their…
What’s the New Acronym ENPRC?
In a recent announcement, President Fenves communicated decisions of the names reviewed by the University Committee on Naming Honors. The University Committee on Naming Honors was tasked with examining new historic names and reviewing contested historic names that honor individuals at Emory. The Committee submitted their 2021 report to President Fenves last spring. One of…