Category Archives: EHSO

Environmental Health & Safety Office

Sharps Safety Reminder for Working in DAR

Each year EHSO conducts inspections of the Animal Facilities on campus. While conducting inspections within DAR, we observed recapped needles within the sharps containers. We also observed syringes inside of the regular trash cans. EHSO requires lab personnel to properly dispose of sharps in the laboratory and also within the animal facility. The purpose of this practice is […]

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GA Department of Natural Resources (GA DNR) Inspection Update

In June of this year, GA DNR visited Emory’s campus for an inspection regarding our Radioactive Materials License. The recent inspection of Emory by GA DNR identified one deficiency in our practices. GA DNR requires those who supervise radioactivity users to have documentation of completed refresher training in order to maintain compliance with the Radiation […]

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Laboratory Self-Inspection Corrective Action Plan

Each year, the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) requires all Emory labs to conduct a laboratory self inspection. The Self-Inspection is a method we use to enable labs to become more familiar with safety requirements. We also want to improve the labs’ ability to proactively address common safety issues. Labs in each research building […]

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PDF: August 2014 Lab Rat Newsletter

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Sharps Safety

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 62% to 88% of sharps injuries  can be prevented simply by using safer medical devices. Researchers should always consider what is  needed to safely handle any sharps that are used and identify the different scenarios when a sharps injury can occur. By identifying when a sharps […]

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PDF: July 2014 Lab Rat Newsletter

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Updates and Changes to the Laser Safety Program

Do you occasionally borrow or plan to borrow Class 3B or Class 4 laser equipment to use in your studies? If so, there is a new document that must be completed by both parties (borrower and lender) prior to the exchange of equipment. The Procedure for Access to Laser Equipment document outlines the responsibilities of […]

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Biological Safety Cabinet Certification Reminder

Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) on campus at Emory must be certified every year by the vendor of your choice. One of the three vendors, Safety Plus, ENV, or Environments of Care (EOC) {formally Air Gas} must be selected in Emory Express at the designated time for your research building. Below, is the biological certification schedule […]

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What is the Purpose of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?

It’s really not a simple answer and requires an understanding of general biosafety. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines biosafety as principles, practices, and strategies aimed at minimizing the unintentional release of a biological agent. Biosafety is achieved by utilizing the four primary controls – engineering, PPE, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and administration. These controls […]

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PDF: June 2014 Lab Rat Newsletter

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