Category Archives: EHSO

Environmental Health & Safety Office

Controlled Drug Disposal

On October 25, 2012 an Agent from the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency (GDNA) will be on campus to receive Controlled Drugs for disposal.  Drugs may be delivered to the Whitehead Biomedical Research Building Suite G-44 from 9-11am.  A completed DEA 41 Form must be completed by the Registrant before Controlled Drugs may be surrendered […]

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Biosafety Training

EHSO has kicked-off a new online training module in the Emory Learning Management System: Biosafety Training (Course Code 240120). Who Needs to Take It: All individuals listed on a Biosafety Protocol: those conducting research with potentially infectious or otherwise hazardous materials deriving from plant, animal, or human sources, including infectious agents, biological toxins, and recombinant […]

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PDF: October 2012 Lab Rat Newsletter

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Emory University Hospital Employee Health Services Main Campus Location Relocated

When workplace injuries or illnesses occur, researchers have access to medical treatment through Emory University’s Employee Health Services. In the past, researchers could visit Employee Health Services by going to the sub-basement of the main hospital. As of June 2012, Employee Health Services relocated to the 2ndfloor of the hospital (D-wing, room D219). Employee Health […]

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Relocation Procedures for Equipment with Sealed Sources

Many labs use equipment that may contain sealed or embedded sources of radioactive material. A sealed source is a metal housing that has a specific amount of radioactive material inside. Examples of pieces of equipment with sealed or embedded sources are Liquid Scintillation Counters, Gas Chromatography Equipment, Micro PET units and Gamma Counters.  The source […]

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PDF: September 2012 Lab Rat Newsletter

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PDF: August 2012 Lab Rat Newsletter

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PDF: July 2012 Lab Rat Newsletter

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PDF: June 2012 Lab Rat Newsletter

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PDF: May 2012 Lab Rat Newsletter

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