Tag: absa
October is Biosafety and Biosecurity Month
2019 is the 6th anniversary of the Biosafety & Biosecurity Month. The NIH’s Office of Science Policy (OSP) initially created National Biosafety Month to encourage institutions to highlight the importance of biosafety and undertake activities to strengthen their biosafety programs. The theme for 2019 is “Beyond the Lab: Increasing the Visibility of Biosafety and Biosecurity”…
October is Biosafety Month
2018 is the 5th anniversary of Biosafety Month. The National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Office of Science Policy (OSP) initially created National Biosafety Month to encourage institutions to highlight the importance of biosafety and undertake activities to strengthen their biosafety programs. The 2018 Biosafety Month theme is “Promoting a Culture of Biosafety and Responsibility” with…