Tag: occupational health services
Occupational Health Services (OHS)
Authors: Dr. Javier Valle, Medical Director, OHS & Cynthia Holbrook, Corporate Director, OHS Occupational Health Services (OHS) is the medical branch of an occupational and environmental health partnership with the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) to ensure the health and safety of the Emory community. Both branches directly support the Office of Research Administration…
Introducing the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) Occupational Health Program
The Mission of the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) is to engage the Emory community in managing environmental, health, and safety risks, reducing workplace injuries and illnesses, and decreasing environmental impact. Multiple EHSO units including Research Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Safety, Radiation Safety, and Environmental Programs contribute to this mission by providing expertise and value-added services…