Dear Sasquatch Connecticut Ethics Committee,
As a new member of this committee, I have written a policy proposal on the use of assisted reproductive technologies and prenatal testing for our hospital. My previous position on the Ethics Committee of the Medical Board at the Mount Sinai Hospital allowed me to gain experience in a diverse community. Being one of the few female doctors on the ethics committee at Mount Sinai, I learned that at times one must put the patient’s needs over their own personal views or the views of the majority. It is often difficult to make policy decisions that pleases everyone when it comes to controversial topics, such as assisted reproductive technology and prenatal testing. In a hospital that recently became non-denominational in a varied community that is seeing an influx of minority immigrants, its policy should reflect what is most beneficial to those it serves. The goal of a hospital should be to improve outcomes and create more satisfied patients.
On abortion, I acknowledge that the donor base is still prominent Irish families, who will most likely have a Catholic stance on abortion: “human life must be absolutely respected and protected from the moment of conception” (Donum Vitae). However, the community is not made up of only Irish Catholics and the hospital should accommodate women in the community not of the same religion or beliefs. Personally, I believe that women should have a control in what happens to her body and have the choice whether or not to carry out a pregnancy. “If pregnancy is highly risky, birth seems even more so”; therefore, for us as a hospital we need to do right by the patient (Ivry). In hopes of reaching a middle ground, the hospital will provide and subsidize abortion services for under-insured patients with terms. One of the terms will be that abortions can only be performed within the first trimester before the fetus is able to feel any pain. There will only be a set number of abortions given per month and the process of signing up for an abortion will include a talk with the doctor performing the abortion. Extreme cases such as rape will automatically be pushed through.
As for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Sasquatch Hospital will only provide treatments for husbands and wives that are looking to start a family. According to the Catholic Church, artificial reproductive technology goes against “natural” law and Scripture. Those people that are faithful to the religion should not use artificial reproductive technologies. Since the Church associates IVF with abortion because during IVF not all embryos are implanted; therefore, an “act against the life of these human beings” (Shannon and Cahill, 154). However, it is acceptable for a husband and wife who cannot conceive to seek other options such as IVF. The prominent Irish Catholic donors should not take issue with these conservative terms and continue to donate to Sasquatch Hospital. In Israel, IVF is a state policy versus in America it is purely private. Different from Israel, religious experts here will not be involved in the day-to-day process at Sasquatch, but medical experts will be involved. The interpretation that reproduction is an “imperative religious duty” prevalent in the Jewish community would encourage people to support IVF (Kahn). The option for IVF will also benefit the Lebanese Shiite and Japanese immigrants. This condition that IVF at Sasquatch hospital can only take place between a husband and wife also satisfies the religious beliefs of the Lebanese Shiite since “most Shia scholars […] argue that the act of fertilization of the woman’s egg with the sperm of a man other than her husband’s is not allowed” (Naef).
A few years ago, Athersys, a biopharmaceutical focused on stem cell research approached Sasquatch Hospital for a collaboration. The deal was that Athersys would donate funds to the hospital if doctors encouraged patients to donate their embryos to potentially life-saving research. This collaboration will be made transparent to all of the participants/patients and they can opt in to donate their embryos or pay to freeze them for later use. This potentially life-saving research can also lead to a more efficient and less invasive prenatal testing while also helping out the hospital.
Prenatal testing such as amniocentesis will be offered to women and families who want to reduce contingency. However, as a hospital in a predominantly Irish Catholic community we want to emphasis that these genetic tests are done not for the purpose of terminating difficult pregnancies if there is a defect and more so to allow families to make arrangements early in light of the knowledge. The hospital will not push mothers to undergo amniocentesis but they will be made aware that it is an option. If a family has a history of birth defects then and only then can the doctor suggest to the mothers to undergo prenatal testing. Due to our influx of Japanese immigrants, we do not want them to feel pressured into prenatal testing their unborn child since “Japanese ob-gyns are often reluctant to mention prenatal diagnosis even to older women […] some of the Israeli ob-gyns I interviewed said that they offer prenatal diagnosis to each and every patient, regardless of her age” (Ivry). Making prenatal testing available will also allow mothers in the Jewish community to have agency in their pregnancies.
In addition to social workers and genetic counselors, Sasquatch Hospital previously provided spiritual counseling by the Catholic clergy who often interfered with some doctors’ work. I propose that we discontinue this in-house spiritual counseling by Catholic clergy but refer patients to certain spiritual counseling based on their religion and who they would like to confide in. This clash between the medical staff and the Catholic clergy does not provide a healthy environment for the patients. The fact that the Catholic clergy are interfering with patient care is unacceptable especially if the patient is not even part of the Catholic community. The hospital’s historically Catholic nursing staff that refuse to perform these procedures can put in a request to be transferred to a different section of the hospital. I understand that it may be uncomfortable for the nurses who are devout Catholics to assist in performing these procedures but I would like them to reflect the reasons they chose to become a nurse before asking for a transfer. Since the budget for new hires is extremely limited, the hospital cannot replace all of the nurses and the alternative would be to transfer nurses from different wards of the hospital.
Works Cited
Donum Vitae In Shanon, Thomas A. and Lisa Sowle Cahill, Religion and Artificial Reproduction: An Inquiry into the Vatican “Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Reproduction.” (Crossroad, 1988).
Shirin Garamoudi Naef, “Gestational Surrogacy in Iran,” In Marcia C. Inhorn and Soraya Tremayne editors, Islam and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Berghahn Books, 2012).
Susan Martha Kahn, Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel (Duke University Press, 2000).
Tsipy Ivry, Embodying Culture: Pregnancy in Japan and Israel (Rutgers University Press, 2009).