Wang et al.: Satellite-based assessment of the long-term efficacy of PM2.5 pollution control policies across the Taiwan Strait

Evaluating the efficacy of air pollution control policies is an essential part of the decision-making process to develop new policies and improve existing measures.  In this analysis, we assessed the effects air pollution control policies in the Taiwan Strait Region from 2005 to 2018 using full-coverage, high-resolution PM2.5generated by a satellite-driven machine learning model. A ten-fold...

Stowell et. al: Estimating PM2.5 in Southern California using satellite data: factors that affect model performance.

In the article, the authors focus on a region where traditional satellite AOD models have not performed as well compared to other areas of the US, in order to determine which region-specific parameters have the highest impact on model accuracy. Using a two-stage linear approach, the authors identified important meteorological and land use parameters including temperature, relative humidity,...