Robert N. McCauley
Part I: The Theoretical Context
1. A Reductionistic Model of Distinct Modes of Religious Transmission
Pascal Boyer
2. Modes Theory: Some Theoretical Considerations
Robert Hinde
3. Ritual Form and Ritual Frequency: From Ethnographic Reports to Experimental Findings
E. Thomas Lawson
4. Divergent Religion: A Dual-Process Model of Religious Thought, Behavior, and Morphology
Todd Tremlin
5. Rethinking Naturalness: Modes of Religiosity and Religion in the Round
Matt Day
Part II: Testing the Modes Theory
6. In the Empirical Mode: Evidence Needed for the Modes of Religiosity Theory
Justin Barrett
7. Memory and Analogical Thinking in High-Arousal Rituals
Rebekah A. Richert, Harvey Whitehouse, and Emma Stewart
Part III: Wider Applications
8. Religious Conversion and Modes of Religiosity
Ilkka Pyysiäinen
9. Charisma, Tradition and Ritual: A Cognitive Approach to Magical Agency
Jesper Sorensen
10. Why Religions Develop Free Will Problems
D. Jason Slone
Harvey Whitehouse