Commentaries and Responses

Comments on “The Bonobo and the Atheist” (Frans de Waal), “Developmental Evidence for Natural Bases for Morality without Religion,” American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, GA  11-21-15

Comments on Why Religion Is Natural and Science Is Not with a freshman seminar at Union College, Schenectady, New York 11-13-15 and 3-9-16

“Response to Commentators,” Author Meets Critics Session, annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Baltimore, MD, 11-23-13

Comments on “How to Train Your Dragon” (Justin Barrett), Conference on “Is Christianity Natural?” Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA 9-14-13

Comments on Religion and Sexual Selection (Jason Slone, Lee McCorkle, and James Van Slyke), American Academy of Religion, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL, 11-17-12

Comments on “We Shall Take No Account of the Soul: An Assessment of the Cognitive Basis of Religion” (M. Bradley), “Religion, Off-Line Cognition and the Virtues of Embeddedness” (M. Day), and “Neuropsychology and Its Critics” (J. Feit), American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, GA, 11-23-03

Responses to Symposium Participants on Bringing Ritual to Mind (H. Whitehouse and J. Mort), North American Association for the Study of Religion, Atlanta, GA, 11-21-03

Response to Symposium Participant on Bringing Ritual to Mind (H. Whitehouse), Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Norfolk, VA, 10-24-03

Comments on “When Does a Correlation Count as an Explanation?” (I. Farber), Society for Philosophy and Psychology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 6-19-03 (presented by William Bechtel in my absence)

Responses to Symposium Participants on Bringing Ritual to Mind (J. Slone, B. Malley, and T. Tremlin), Midwest American Academy of Religion, Chicago, IL, 4-5-03

Comments on “The Evolutionary Landscape of Religion,” (S. Atran) and “The Phylogeny of Religious Thinking (Or God through the Eyes of a Chimpanzee),” J. Bering, Conference on the Cognitive Foundations of Religion, Program in Culture and Cognition, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 3-29-02

Comments on “Environmentally Driven Changes in Intelligence Test Scores,” (U. Neisser), Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 3-29-97

Comments on “Can Neuroscience Solve the Problem of Consciousness?” (O. Flanagan), Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Nashville, TN, 4-5-96

Comments on “New Wave Reductionism, Special Sciences, and the Methodological Caveats” (J. Bickle), Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Memphis, TN , 6-3-94

Comments on “Choosing a Metaphor for Thinking: Heuristic Search, Logical Reasoning, Mental Models, Neural Nets?” (H. Simon), Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 4-2-94

Comments on “Consciousness: A Progress Report from Neuroscience” (P. S. Churchland), Perspectives on Mind Conference, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 12-7-91

Comments on “Similarity Judgments” (C. Gauker), Society for Philosophy and Psychology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, 6-9-91

Comments on “Mental Images Construed as Translational Devices: Repairing a Gap in Functionalism” (D. Johnson), American Philosophical Association, Chicago, IL, 4-25-91

Comments on “Doing What Comes Naturalistically” (P. Roth) and “Is There a Role for Epistemology in an Age of Cognitive Science?” (E. Morris) at a symposium on my paper “Epistemology in an Age of Cognitive Science,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Louisville, KY, 4-13-90

Responses to Symposium Participants on Rethinking Religion: Connecting Cognition and Culture, North American Association for the Study of Religion, Chicago, IL, 11-19-88

Comments on “Reflections on the Relationship Between Philosophy and Psychology in the Study of Concepts: Is There Madness in our Methods?” (K. Livingston and J. Andrews), Society for Philosophy and Psychology, University of California–San Diego,La Jolla, CA, 6-23-87

Comments on “Neuroscientific Introspection and Experiential Change” (T. Cook), American Philosophical Association, Chicago, IL 5-2-87

Comments on “Ordinary Everyday Memories” (C. Barclay and P. DeCooke) and “Memory for Randomly Sampled Autobiographical Events” (W. Brewer), Conference on Ecological Approaches to the Study of Memory, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 10-11-85

Comments on Concepts and Conceptual Development (all authors), Conference on Concepts and Conceptual Development, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 2-12-85